Photon Magic

How a MIT/UW-Madison spin-out is bringing quantum perception to computer vision

“Garbage in, garbage out” is a common phrase used to describe how the output quality of any computational system depends on the input quality.

Today’s cameras excel in good imaging conditions. However, when they’re pushed beyond their limits with challenging lighting or fast movement, imaging artifacts such as noise and blur can reduce the input quality of the perception algorithms that power today’s autonomous systems.

Ubicept aims to change that by providing these perception systems with photon-accurate data, thus breaking them free of the limits imposed by low data quality. We’re actively engaged with partners in aviation, automotive, trucking, specialty vehicles, and more.

The following video shows our technology at work, but it only scratches the surface of what we can offer. In the coming months, we’ll also be diving deeper into these demos (and more!) on this blog.

If you’d like to know more, check out our previous blog posts, visit our booth at CES 2023, or contact us today! We have evaluation kits ready to address your most challenging perception problems.


Better Machine Vision in Low Light